Everything starts with the selection of material. The customer or architect or designer can choose from three basic categories:


This is the most classic and simultaneously qualitatively the most suitable material for the production of steps. Due to its extreme hardness, it has excellent resistant to mechanical damage. Thanks to its durability granite  is also used in industry. The color range is fully sufficient; you can choose nice and very distinctive decors, the final product is being always unique.


Although this material does not possess the toughness of granite, it is usually more diverse in color and is cozier. In the Czech Republic it is still little used on work tops; with quality maintenance and an appropriate choice of surfaces, however, similar qualities can be achieved. In Western Europe, especially in Italy, marble is applied even in the most luxurious interiors. The advantage is the possibility of revitalizing a surface without disassembly and the economical processing.


These are mainly the types of stone, from which a larger slab cannot be produced and applied in a so-called polygonal–irregular shape (formerly VENETIAN paving). In this case the acquisition costs are the lowest. Further information can also be found in the irregular paving and facing section.